Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Portraits... are hard

1. Our mustaches. 1-24-2010, Idaho Falls, Idaho. F/4.5, 1/80. Nikon D3000
2. "Don't make Faces" 1-27-2010, Driggs, Idaho. F/ 9.0, 1/200. Nikon D3000

The first picture was just fun to do. I mean who doesn't like mustaches. I had to crop this photo a lot because i set in on the side table with the timer function so its a little centered. I did some light editing on both of the photos, mostly with hue/saturation and levels.
This second photo i tried to get them to look nice but he kept making faces and she kept getting mad. So I feel like the elbow nudge and look of disapproval captured the event.


  1. Yeah I have a hard time with portraits too! I think that "Don't Make Faces" is great! I definitely think it captures the moment.

  2. I really like your choice of a background. Mainly because I did a similar thing.

  3. And you did a really nice job of bringing out the white in the snow.

  4. I love BOTH of these pictures! The mustache one is just adorable. I mean, who doesn't love a good mustache? But I LOVE the colors in the second photo. I also like how you caught that moment in time when he was getting in trouble for making faces. Great shots!

  5. I like your portraits because they are fun and capture the personalities so well! The second one has a really cool background too.

  6. Great landscape portrait! Color and lighting are perfect!

  7. I second the comment about bringing out personality in these shots. It's wonderful! Your subjects are clearly comfortable. Nice job bringing the Tetons forward in the second shot.
